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/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Frederico Caldeira Knabben * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == */ var FCKScayt; (function() { var scaytOnLoad = [] ; var isEngineLoaded = ( FCK && FCK.EditorWindow && FCK.EditorWindow.parent.parent.scayt) ? true : false ; var scaytEnable = false; var scaytReady = false; function ScaytEngineLoad( callback ) { if ( isEngineLoaded ) return ; isEngineLoaded = true ; var top = FCK.EditorWindow.parent.parent; var init = function () { window.scayt = top.scayt ; InitScayt() ; var ScaytCombobox = FCKToolbarItems.LoadedItems[ 'ScaytCombobox' ] ; ScaytCombobox && ScaytCombobox.SetEnabled( scyt_control && scyt_control.disabled ) ; InitSetup() ; }; if ( top.scayt ) { init() ; return ; } // Compose the scayt url. if (FCK.Config.ScaytCustomUrl) FCK.Config.ScaytCustomUrl = new String(FCK.Config.ScaytCustomUrl).replace( new RegExp( "^http[s]*:\/\/"),"") ; var protocol = document.location.protocol ; var baseUrl = FCK.Config.ScaytCustomUrl ||'svc.spellchecker.net/spellcheck3/lf/scayt/scayt4.js' ; var scaytUrl = protocol + '//' + baseUrl ; var scaytConfigBaseUrl = ParseUrl( scaytUrl ).path + '/' ; // SCAYT is targetted to CKEditor, so we need this trick to make it work here. var CKEDITOR = top.window.CKEDITOR || ( top.window.CKEDITOR = {} ) ; CKEDITOR._djScaytConfig = { baseUrl : scaytConfigBaseUrl, addOnLoad : function() { init(); }, isDebug : false }; if ( callback ) scaytOnLoad.push( callback ) ; DoLoadScript( scaytUrl ) ; } /** * DoLoadScript - load scripts with dinamic tag script creating * @param string url */ function DoLoadScript( url ) { if (!url) return false ; var top = FCK.EditorWindow.parent.parent; var s = top.document.createElement('script') ; s.type = 'text/javascript' ; s.src = url ; top.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s) ; return true ; } function ParseUrl( data ) { var m = data.match(/(.*)[\/\\]([^\/\\]+\.\w+)$/) ; return m ? { path: m[1], file: m[2] } : data ; } function createScaytControl () { // Get public scayt params. var oParams = {} ; var top = FCK.EditorWindow.parent.parent; oParams.srcNodeRef = FCK.EditingArea.IFrame; // Get the iframe. // syntax : AppName.AppVersion@AppRevision //oParams.assocApp = "FCKEDITOR." + FCKeditorAPI.Varsion + "@" + FCKeditorAPI.VersionBuild; oParams.customerid = FCK.Config.ScaytCustomerid ; oParams.customDictionaryName = FCK.Config.ScaytCustomDictionaryName ; oParams.userDictionaryName = FCK.Config.ScaytUserDictionaryName ; oParams.defLang = FCK.Config.ScaytDefLang ; var scayt = top.scayt; var scayt_control = window.scayt_control = new scayt( oParams ) ; } function InitScayt() { createScaytControl(); var scayt_control = window.scayt_control ; if ( scayt_control ) { scayt_control.setDisabled( false ) ; scaytReady = true; scaytEnable = !scayt_control.disabled ; // set default scayt status var ScaytCombobox = FCKToolbarItems.LoadedItems[ 'ScaytCombobox' ] ; ScaytCombobox && ScaytCombobox.Enable() ; ShowScaytState() ; } for ( var i = 0 ; i < scaytOnLoad.length ; i++ ) { try { scaytOnLoad[i].call( this ) ; } catch(err) {} } } // ### // SCAYT command class. var ScaytCommand = function() { name = 'Scayt' ; } ScaytCommand.prototype.Execute = function( action ) { switch ( action ) { case 'Options' : case 'Langs' : case 'About' : if ( isEngineLoaded && scaytReady && !scaytEnable ) { ScaytMessage( 'SCAYT is not enabled' ); break; } if ( isEngineLoaded && scaytReady ) FCKDialog.OpenDialog( 'Scayt', 'SCAYT Settings', 'dialog/fck_scayt.html?' + action.toLowerCase(), 343, 343 ); break; default : if ( !isEngineLoaded ) { var me = this; ScaytEngineLoad( function () { me.SetEnabled( !window.scayt_control.disabled ) ; }) ; return true; } else if ( scaytReady ) { // Switch the current scayt state. if ( scaytEnable ) this.Disable() ; else this.Enable() ; ShowScaytState() ; } } if ( !isEngineLoaded ) return ScaytMessage( 'SCAYT is not loaded' ) || false; if ( !scaytReady ) return ScaytMessage( 'SCAYT is not ready' ) || false; return true; } ScaytCommand.prototype.Enable = function() { window.scayt_control.setDisabled( false ) ; scaytEnable = true; } ScaytCommand.prototype.Disable = function() { window.scayt_control.setDisabled( true ) ; scaytEnable = false; } ScaytCommand.prototype.SetEnabled = function( state ) { if ( state ) this.Enable() ; else this.Disable() ; ShowScaytState() ; return true; } ScaytCommand.prototype.GetState = function() { return FCK_TRISTATE_OFF; } function ShowScaytState() { var combo = FCKToolbarItems.GetItem( 'SpellCheck' ) ; if ( !combo || !combo._Combo || !combo._Combo._OuterTable ) return; var bItem = combo._Combo._OuterTable.getElementsByTagName( 'img' )[1] ; var dNode = combo._Combo.Items['trigger'] ; if ( scaytEnable ) { bItem.style.opacity = '1' ; dNode.innerHTML = GetStatusLabel() ; } else { bItem.style.opacity = '0.5' ; dNode.innerHTML = GetStatusLabel() ; } } function GetStatusLabel() { if ( !scaytReady ) return '<b>Enable SCAYT</b>' ; return scaytEnable ? '<b>Disable SCAYT</b>' : '<b>Enable SCAYT</b>' ; } // ### // Class for the toolbar item. var ToolbarScaytComboBox = function( tooltip, style ) { this.Command = FCKCommands.GetCommand( 'Scayt' ) ; this.CommandName = 'Scayt' ; this.Label = this.GetLabel() ; this.Tooltip = FCKLang.ScaytTitle ; this.Style = FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYTEXT ; //FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ICONTEXT OR FCK_TOOLBARITEM_ONLYTEXT } ToolbarScaytComboBox.prototype = new FCKToolbarSpecialCombo ; //Add the items to the combo list ToolbarScaytComboBox.prototype.CreateItems = function() { this._Combo.AddItem( 'Trigger', '<b>Enable SCAYT</b>' ); this._Combo.AddItem( 'Options', FCKLang.ScaytTitleOptions || "Options" ); this._Combo.AddItem( 'Langs', FCKLang.ScaytTitleLangs || "Languages"); this._Combo.AddItem( 'About', FCKLang.ScaytTitleAbout || "About"); } // Label shown in the toolbar. ToolbarScaytComboBox.prototype.GetLabel = function() { var strip = FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_strip.gif'; return FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ? '<div class="TB_Button_Image"><img src="' + strip + '" style="top:-192px"></div>' : '<img class="TB_Button_Image" src="' + FCK_SPACER_PATH + '" style="background-position: 0px -192px;background-image: url(' + strip + ');">'; } function ScaytMessage( m ) { m && alert( m ) ; } var ScaytContextCommand = function() { name = 'ScaytContext' ; } ScaytContextCommand.prototype.Execute = function( contextInfo ) { var action = contextInfo && contextInfo.action, node = action && contextInfo.node, scayt_control = window.scayt_control; if ( node ) { switch ( action ) { case 'Suggestion' : scayt_control.replace( node, contextInfo.suggestion ) ; break ; case 'Ignore' : scayt_control.ignore( node ) ; break ; case 'Ignore All' : scayt_control.ignoreAll( node ) ; break ; case 'Add Word' : var top = FCK.EditorWindow.parent.parent ; top.scayt.addWordToUserDictionary( node ) ; break ; } } } // Register context menu listeners. function InitSetup() { FCK.ContextMenu.RegisterListener( { AddItems : function( menu ) { var top = FCK.EditorWindow.parent.parent; var scayt_control = window.scayt_control, scayt = top.scayt; if ( !scayt_control ) return; var node = scayt_control.getScaytNode() ; if ( !node ) return; var suggestions = scayt.getSuggestion( scayt_control.getWord( node ), scayt_control.getLang() ) ; if ( !suggestions || !suggestions.length ) return; menu.AddSeparator() ; var maxSuggestions = FCK.Config.ScaytMaxSuggestions || 5 ; var suggAveCount = ( maxSuggestions == -1 ) ? suggestions.length : maxSuggestions ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < suggAveCount ; i += 1 ) { if ( suggestions[i] ) { menu.AddItem( 'ScaytContext', suggestions[i], null, false, { 'action' : 'Suggestion', 'node' : node, 'suggestion' : suggestions[i] } ) ; } } menu.AddSeparator() ; menu.AddItem( 'ScaytContext', 'Ignore', null, false, { 'action' : 'Ignore', 'node' : node } ); menu.AddItem( 'ScaytContext', 'Ignore All', null, false, { 'action' : 'Ignore All', 'node' : node } ); menu.AddItem( 'ScaytContext', 'Add Word', null, false, { 'action' : 'Add Word', 'node' : node } ); try { if (scaytReady && scaytEnable) scayt_control.fireOnContextMenu( null, FCK.ContextMenu._InnerContextMenu); } catch( err ) {} } }) ; FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnPaste', function() { window.scayt_control.refresh() ; return true; } ) ; } // ## // Register event listeners. FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnAfterSetHTML', function() { if ( FCKConfig.SpellChecker == 'SCAYT' ) { if ( !isEngineLoaded && FCK.Config.ScaytAutoStartup ) ScaytEngineLoad() ; if ( FCK.EditMode == FCK_EDITMODE_WYSIWYG && isEngineLoaded && scaytReady ) createScaytControl(); ShowScaytState() ; } } ) ; FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnBeforeGetData', function() { scaytReady && window.scayt_control.reset(); } ) ; FCK.Events.AttachEvent( 'OnAfterGetData', function() { scaytReady && window.scayt_control.refresh(); } ) ; // ### // The main object that holds the SCAYT interaction in the code. FCKScayt = { CreateCommand : function() { return new ScaytCommand(); }, CreateContextCommand : function() { return new ScaytContextCommand(); }, CreateToolbarItem : function() { return new ToolbarScaytComboBox() ; } } ; })() ;