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<?php class PhotoGallerys extends SiteData { public $file_type = array("image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "image/png", "image/bmp", "application/pdf"); function getTotalPhotoGallery($id) { $sql = "SELECT count(*) as total_pages from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS. " where md5(photo_category)='$id'"; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res['oDATA'][0]['total_pages']; } function getAllPhotoGallery($page=0, $orderby="photo_id", $order="desc",$id) { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." where md5(photo_category)='$id' order by $orderby $order limit $page,".PAGE_LIMIT; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function getAllActPhoto() { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." where photo_status=1 order by photo_category desc limit 0,10"; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function getTotalCategory() { $sql = "SELECT count(*) as total_pages from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res['oDATA'][0]['total_pages']; } function getAllCategory($page=0, $orderby="category_id", $order="desc") { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." order by $orderby $order limit $page,".PAGE_LIMIT; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function getCategoryById($id) { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." where md5(category_id) = '$id'"; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function getPhotoById($id) { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." where md5(photo_id) = '$id'"; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function getCategory() { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." where category_status=1 order by category_id desc"; //print "SQL:::::Vijaya".$sql; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function getCatPhoto($url) { $sql = "SELECT a.*,b.* from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." a LEFT OUTER JOIN ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." b ON b.category_id=a.photo_category where category_url='$url' order by category_id desc"; $res = $this->getData($sql); return $res; } function addCategory($request){ extract($request); $category_name = inText($category_name); $category_url = inText($category_url); if($category_name !="" and $category_url != "") { $s = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." where category_name like '$category_name'"; $res = $this->getData($s); if($res['NO_OF_ITEMS']>0) { $msg = 'Photo Category Name Already Exists.'; setMessage($msg, "error"); }else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." (category_name,category_url)values('$category_name','$category_url')"; $res = $this->inserttoDB($sql); $msg = 'Photo Category Added.'; setMessage($msg, "correct"); } }else{ $msg = 'Photo Category not added, Please try again with mandatory field.'; setMessage($msg, "error"); } return $res; } function addPhoto($request){ extract($request); $sqlarray = array(); $photo_date = date("d-M-Y"); $photo_category = inText($photo_category); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." (photo_caption, photo_file, photo_category, photo_date) VALUES "; if(isset($_FILES['photo_file'])) { for($i=0;$i<count($_FILES['photo_file']['name']);$i++) { $file_name = $_FILES['photo_file']['name'][$i]; $file_type = $_FILES['photo_file']['type'][$i]; $file_tmp_name = $_FILES['photo_file']['tmp_name'][$i]; $paths = pathinfo($file_name); $ext = $paths['extension']; $time=date("dmyHis").''.$i; $file_name = "photo_".$time.".".$ext; $target_file_path = "../photo/".$file_name; move_uploaded_file($file_tmp_name, $target_file_path); $photocaption = inText($photo_caption[$i]); if($photocaption){ $sqlarray[] = "('$photocaption', '$file_name', '$photo_category', '$photo_date')"; $msg = 'Photo Gallery Added.'; setMessage($msg, "correct"); }else{ $msg = 'Photo Gallery not added, Please try again with mandatory field.'; setMessage($msg, "error"); } } if(count($sqlarray)>0) { $sqlarray_string = implode(", ",$sqlarray); $sql = $sql.$sqlarray_string; $res = $this->inserttoDB($sql); } } } function editPhoto($request) { extract($request); $id = ($_REQUEST['id']); $photo_caption = inText($photo_caption); $photo_date = date("d-M-Y"); if( isset($_FILES['photo_file']['name']) && $_FILES['photo_file']['name']!="" ) { $notice = "nluo"; $file_name = $this->upload($_FILES['photo_file'],$notice); } else { $file_name = ""; } if($file_name){ $s = "select * from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." WHERE photo_id = $photo_id"; $res = $this->getData($s); $filename =$res['oDATA'][0]['photo_file']; @unlink("../photo/".$filename); $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." SET photo_caption='$photo_caption',photo_date='$photo_date',photo_file='$file_name' where photo_id='$photo_id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); }else{ $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." SET photo_caption='$photo_caption',photo_date='$photo_date' where photo_id='$photo_id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); } $msg = 'Photo Updated.'; setMessage($msg, "correct"); } function updateCategory($request) { extract($request); $id = ($_REQUEST['id']); $category_name = inText($category_name); $category_url = inText($category_url); if($category_name !="" and $category_url != "") { $sql = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." where category_name like '$category_name' and category_id!='$category_id'"; $res = $this->getData($sql); if($res['NO_OF_ITEMS']>0) { $msg = 'Photo Name Already Exists.'; setMessage($msg, "error"); } else{ $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." SET category_name='$category_name',category_url='$category_url' where category_id='$id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); } $msg = 'Photo Category Updated.'; setMessage($msg, "correct"); }else{ $msg = 'Photo Category not Updated, Please try again with mandatory field.'; setMessage($msg, "error"); } } // CATEGORY STATUS UPDATION function disableStatus($id) { $id = inText($id); $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." set category_status='0' where category_id='$id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); if($res['oDATA']==1) { $msg="Status Updated Successfully."; setMessage($msg, "correct"); } } function enableStatus($id) { $id = inText($id); $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." set category_status='1' where category_id='$id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); if($res['oDATA']==1) { $msg="Status Updated Successfully."; setMessage($msg, "correct"); } } // PHOTO STATUS UPDATION function disableStatusPhoto($id) { $id = inText($id); $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." set photo_status='0' where photo_id='$id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); if($res['oDATA']==1) { $msg="Status Updated Successfully."; setMessage($msg, "correct"); } } function enableStatusPhoto($id) { $id = inText($id); $sql = "UPDATE ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." set photo_status='1' where photo_id='$id'"; $res = $this->update($sql); if($res['oDATA']==1) { $msg="Status Updated Successfully."; setMessage($msg, "correct"); } } //DELETE CATEGORY function deleteCategory($id) { $s = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." WHERE photo_category = $id"; $res = $this->getData($s); $total = $res['NO_OF_ITEMS']; for($i=0;$i<$total;$i++){ $file_name =$res['oDATA'][$i]['photo_file']; @unlink("../photo/".$file_name); } $sql_1 = "DELETE from ".PHOTO_CATEGORYS." WHERE category_id = $id "; $res = $this->deleterecord($sql_1); $sql = "DELETE from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." WHERE photo_category = $id "; $res = $this->deleterecord($sql); $msg="Category deleted Successfully."; setMessage($msg, "correct"); return $res; } //DELETE PHOTO function deletePhoto($id) { $sql = "DELETE from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." WHERE photo_id = $id "; $s = "SELECT * from ".PHOTO_GALLERYS." WHERE photo_id = $id"; $res = $this->getData($s); $file_name =$res['oDATA'][0]['photo_file']; @unlink("../photo/".$file_name); $res = $this->deleterecord($sql); $msg="Photo deleted Successfully."; setMessage($msg, "correct"); return $res; } function upload($files, $t_name) { $target_file_name = ""; $file_type = $this->file_type; // access the public varible if( in_array($files["type"], $file_type) ) { $photo_name = $files["name"]; $paths = pathinfo($photo_name); $ext = $paths['extension']; $fname = $paths['filename']; $tempFile = $files["tmp_name"]; $time=mktime(date("d:m:Y H:i:s")); $target_file_name = $t_name."_".$time.".".$ext; $target_file_path = "../photo/".$target_file_name; move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $target_file_path); } return $target_file_name; } }//END OF CLASS ?>