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Upload FileeE
CMS - PHP Version 7.4 Step-1 Go to >> 'includes' folder >> edit 'settings.php' file to add database details. Step-2 go to >> 'dvnadmin' folder >> includes >> fckeditor >> editor >> filemanager >> connectors >> php >> edit 'config.php' to enable features like adding Photos, attachments,etc. In 'config.php' File Please ensure to rename this line $Config['UserFilesPath'] = "http://www.yourdomainname.com/upload/"; $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = "/home/yourcpanelusername/public_html/upload/"; put all the website files in server and access the adminpanel details by giving a '/dvnadmin' in the url Example: http://www.yourdomainname.com/dvnadmin username: admin (Can Be Changed Later) password: admin (Can Be Changed Later) Step-3 Please change the Email ID in both files contact-us.php, apply-online.php For your reference, currently we have added "adhsupport@gmail.com" for the same.